The 29th π night brings together some of the most exceptional Greek electronic music artists abroad: Saturday, 20th of January, at Temple Athens.
Damcase, known from his Bunker/Panzerkreuz and Mord releases, as well as from PI03 on Pi Electronics, meets an old, hometown friend of his, Lycurgos (Goolyk) from Templeyard Studios, who he forms along with Miltiades. Templeyard Studios, named after the Neukoln, Berlin studios the project was founded, have releases on Echovolt Records, Phormix and more while individually Lycurgos and Miltides show up in the catalogues of Bunker/Panzerkreuz, Echovolt, Modal Analysis, Nous and more.. Support of the two live performances comes from Endorphine Festival head-honcho, Kay Month, Rigas from Negative Sciences and 3.14 of Pi Electronics.